CDC recommends that you do not travel internationally until you are fully vaccinated. Travelers who are not fully vaccinated should avoid travel on cruise ships, including river cruises, worldwide.
It is especially important that people who are not fully vaccinated and at an increased risk of severe illness avoid travel on cruise ships, including river cruises. CDC notes there is an increased risk of infection of COVID-19 on cruise ships. Passengers who are not fully vaccinated are more likely to get COVID-19, which can spread more easily on cruise ships. Outbreaks of COVID-19 have been reported on cruise ships.

What should a travel know?
Do not board a cruise ship if you have symptoms of COVID-19, if you know you have COVID-19, if you were exposed to a person with COVID-19 in the past 14 days, or you are waiting for results of a COVID-19 viral test.
CDC recommends passengers with plans to travel by cruise ship get tested 1-3 days before their trip and 3 – 5 days after their trip.
In addition to testing, CDC recommends passengers who are not fully vaccinated self-quarantine for 7 days after cruise travel, even if they test negative. If they do not get tested, they should self-quarantine for 10 days after cruise travel.
For more recommendations on cruise ship travel see the CDC’s COVID-19 and Cruise Ship Travel page.

Tip: (Special Note for Cuba Travel)
Ensure shore excursions and purchases comply with U.S. regulations.
U.S. credit and debit cards do NOT work in Cuba. Bring enough cash to cover your stay. This includes hotels, restaurants, taxis, souvenir shops, etc.
Ask your cruise line about:
What their procedures are in case of emergency.
How family members can contact you in an emergency, such as cell or satellite phone coverage and/or an e-mail address for emergencies.
What types of medical services your ship can provide, such as basic or urgent care, hospitalization, dialysis, etc.
Check your cruise line’s prohibited items list when considering what to take with you.